Hello I have just finished watching the final ep of Hormones Season 2 and I was left feeling good and kinda disappointed First I would like to give A big thank you to
the the amazing people who do the Subs for this Series and the amazing person who subs Love Sick without these talented people I would not be able to enjoy these shows nor write my little reviews and they are Saifon Th-Angel and KUDALAKORN A big thank you !!!!! now on to the review
the first thing I was hoping for was that thee and Phu would find there way back to each other now I am from the usa and our tv here is A bit different I am used to having confirmation thru words rather then actions what I found by watching these shows are a lot of big moments are usally done with body language or facial expressions,I have learned to watch more carefully to what the actors moments then there words one of my other favorite characters is Dow she is so beautiful and honest can not wait to see what she does in season 3 another character I will miss Is Tar I do hope they include gay male characters next season this whole series from the first and the second is a must see you will not be disappointed here are some links for you
season one
[Link removed - login to see]
season two
Hormones Season 2 Ep 7 Full Eng sub - Fullscreen HD
Hormones review

Lan Yu review

This film is so well done the actors are amazing In the roles so full of twist and turns starts and stops,It really pissed me off at times And the ending all I can say Is WTF REALLY did NOT SEE THIS COMING HOWEVER I GUESS I SHOULD HAVE

Permanent Residence review

This film was full of great things first of all the man candy NICE!!!!!! second love the story line I always believed that death is not an ending but A beginning
Windson was honestly Bisexual he was in love with Ivan for all that time both lead actors were truly outstanding love every minute of this movie
Windson was honestly Bisexual he was in love with Ivan for all that time both lead actors were truly outstanding love every minute of this movie

Two Weddings and a Funeral review

This movie made me laugh and cry this film show what true friendship is and true love,If you just be yourself and love yourself you can over come anything the actors were so good I wish there was a part 2

Speechless review

Found this on Netflix I loved this film I never gave anything away,the twist and turns never saw the end coming
Lan Is really scary and crazy and doing what Luke did showed how much he really loved Han Dong well done movie I highly recommend
Lan Is really scary and crazy and doing what Luke did showed how much he really loved Han Dong well done movie I highly recommend

Hello My Love review

This was A very touching film never have I ever felt sorry for the girlfriend who finds out her boyfriend is gay and in love with A man,but An Jo Gid such A great job my heart went out to her.the two male leads were hot and made me wish I was the one in the middle hehe.Seok Min and Sang-Wook Ryoo are so amazing you want them to be together this is A film that will make you cry very happy and by the end go WTF JUST HAPPEN worth the watch

Silom Soi 2 review

such a cute but sad movie the lead actors were so good and hot.not much else to say really this shows the dangers of hooking up and having unprotected sax,with strangers but all so shows love and commitment

Bungee Jumping of Their Own review

This is A very Interesting film dealing with reincarnation which has always been A Interest of mine,I wonder If I would recognize A loved one or former lover. the acting was top notch loved this film, Byung-hun Lee did a amazing job as did Hyeon-Soo Yeo I recommend this film to any one

Fujimi Orchestra review

This film was very strange to me get me wrong I liked it except the rape part,the acting was good love the drunk girl when you give your heart to some one and they do not return your affection It is devastating this film does go over thr top A bit but still I would recommend It Shouta Takasaki (Yuuki)plays his violin like a pro and Yuusuke Arai (Kei)will break your heart

99 days(hongkong) review

A nice little series dealing with acceptance coming out and HIV awareness,friendship and first loves and loss all so explores the dangers of picking up strangers and drinking